Bloody, bloody, bloody lovely to be on a plane that isn’t full of tourists…. yes, I am, believe it or not, a snob. 

4 degrees and clear blue sky – perfect for a fat lad!

I’m a bit thick, but finding the right shuttle bus for car hire was pretty difficult…the signs just run out! Bus p2 in case you need it from stop 4.

The trains are bloody amazing – there’s an app for that. Buy tickets on your phone by time – 75 mins for £3.50.

Free parking at commuter stations makes the best of both worlds.

Mixed public toilets take a lot of getting used to! 80p charge too!

Sooooo clean

Mormons get everywhere – met a Mongolian one tho!

Everybody speaks English.

Great life work balance – that would take some getting used to, too!

Ya simply don’t need cash! Everywhere takes credit cards.

Gamla Stan – the old town – definitely worth a bimble.

Cobbles are beautiful but an absolute bastard to walk on in your work shoes.

Vagrants come with some serious sleeping gear to keep warm. There are quite a few but they have a common aroma.

Sooo polite!

My bowels simply do not know how to cope. I can’t possibly do what I need to do with all these polite people and shared bogs that open straight onto the corridor in the office!

SAS vs Ryanair – no competition!

Sweden – it just works!