It’s been 10 weeks. I’ve been sitting at home, being my normal self, wondering what all the fuss is about. Social distancing is apparently a thing we must observe – I’m told. Having reflected over this time, wondering why no one is unnecessarily invading my space, I’ve decided that, as well as a misanthrope, I’m an absolute ninja at social distancing. Ahead of my time! Prophetic perhaps? Antisocial you may call me, an absolute artist is my point of view – anti-social distancing.

Much of my travel observation, (to say advice would put too much of a burden on me, for fear of you actually taking me too seriously) I have realised, is just sound social distancing advice. And there was me JUST FOLLOWING MY INSTINCTS – thanks Dom!

Here goes with a summary of my faves:

Don’t take a bus tour – it’s never a better solution to a travel problem and, as I now find, it exposes you to other people’s little COVIDs!

Bimble – you learn so much more walking around and getting lost than you do on an underground train.

Walk away from a queue – if there’s a queue then it’s going to be packed. You’ll spend hours of your hard earned holiday looking at the back of a strangers head. In my experience, often the view from the outside is way more impressive than looking out!

Rent a car! Self explanatory! Drive to test your eyesight!

Power through. Head down, hold your breath and charge through the bus loads. They never go much further than the immediate photo opportunity. A couple of hundred yards and you’re on your own!

Contactless payments work everywhere except Hong Kong and Macau – can’t see much in the way of travelling to that neck of the woods for a while! I never thought about the hygiene angle though.

Holiday in November – Some of our best holidays have been in the October/November half term. Failing that, March (as long as its not Easter). No one around!

Don’t go to the visitor centre! The clue is the bus park just outside.

Choose your time – there’s always a quiet time: early; late; or, in the scorching heat of the mid day sun. Choose your time – the downsides are not enough to offset the upside of lonesomeness!

Air b n b – hotels are giant Petri dishes! And don’t get me on cruises – why would you.

Toilets in Stockholm and Hong Kong are so clean the covids couldn’t possibly survive. The swedes are possibly the most socially distanced nation anyhow.

We did a round the world trip and flew to LA on the first flight from Heathrow after 9/11. It was bloody fantastic, no one anywhere! I for one will be back travelling while everyone else is worrying about the risks!

Apparently the Japanese government will cover half your travel costs – powder on Mount Fuji here we come!